Thursday, February 8, 2007

2 Little Monkeys...

Brooke and her friend Lily were playing in her room today... let me rephrase that, were destroying her room today...and decided to fix each other's hair - with diaper cream!

I know that it is not water soluble, so I'm assuming I'll have a difficult time at bath time. Any suggestions?


Jen said...

Man, that girl is giving you a run for your money lately! :-) By the way, Lily is my girl's name - we shall see in just a few weeks!!! Who knows???!

Susanne said...

Did it ever come out?

Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetie-

I had not realized this was Brooke's first snow. What about all that snow in Dec.2005? Guess she was too little to play in it then. Love you lots---MOM