Tuesday, February 6, 2007

My Southern Blood Has Frozen Solid!

We don't have this much snow here, but we might as well! The windchill was -10 when the kids went to school today! The actual temp. is around 9 degrees F. Burrrr!!!
I am "carless" today because it got soo cold here that one of the parking brake cables on my car froze solid and it had to be replaced. Apparently just thawing it out wouldn't do the trick - ridiculous I say! My Southern car just can't seem to adjust. ;-)
Just me and Brooke here today. Jeremy is off to the even more bitter North (all the way to Maine!) and will return late this week. I did beg him to bring in lots of firewood for me and he did me right. thanks, sweetie!
So Brooke and I will thaw by the fire all day.
Aloha! (Just saying that warms my blood...)

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