Saturday, April 26, 2008

Poor Little Field Mouse

This cute little thing was being traumatized the other day by our cat, Tigger. Tigger chased, batted, and tossed this thing for a long time. I tried to save the little thing, but was a little scared of him, and whenever he hopped around squeaking I would back off. I did however manage to capture it all on film! ;-) I never did see if Tigger finally killed him or not. Tigger would just sit calmly in the grass while the mouse sat there terrified! Bad kitty!


Nancy said...

Poor little mouse. Although I am truly amazed that you captured it on film. I love that the cat isn't even looking at the mouse.

Jena said...

OK, I am having the hardest time posting comments, so I'm making them all on one post:
1. I hate mice more than anything in this world, but those pictures are awesome! How did you get such great shorts...enter those babies in the good old E-town fair! :-)
2. You did an awesome job on the horse cake...and what a great idea for a b-day party! I bet it was such a special day for her!
3.Love the new bedding and I LOVE the painting you did...those 3 colorful circles just "make" the room! Sweet picture of Jeremy and the girls!