Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Is this really August?

We have gone from shorts weather to pants weather in the blink of an eye! It is raining and gray and the temp is in the low 60s. My kids want to go to the fair and to the pool today. Oh, well! At least they have friends over to play.

Not much going on in my world. School starts Monday and I think that we are all ready to get back into a routine. The kids are riding the bus this year and Mama and Brooke are thrilled! I don't have to get out of my pjs until whenever I feel like it and Brooke can nap the afternoon away. I am going to go and clean up my room now.
The picture is of Brooke and her beloved Granddaddy (Jeremy's Dad)


angie said...

oooh the bus! exciting! congrats on being able to stay in pjs...that is a definite plus!!

Jena said...

I get the apples at Masonic Village and let them sit (get soft) for 3 days in a warm, dry spot all spread out in boxes. When I'm making them, I cut them, (toss the core)boil them in a very little bit of water (just making sure the bottom ones don't burn) until their pretty mushy and then run them through the applesauce crank thing. I use my Gramp's very old-fashioned one, but I'm sure they sell them somewhere. It seperates the applesauce from the peel and the rest of the junky stuff. Then I put in in containers and freeze until we're ready to use.

Leah said...

Thanks! I can't wait to try it!

Susanne said...

This is the BLOG POLICE. You are grossly overdue for a new post. Maybe you could write a post about how we were supposed to be listening and not laughing till the tears came at back to school nite tonight...next thing you know-WE'RE going to be sent to the principal's office...