Thursday, May 14, 2009

36 Years

Don't I look great for 36?? ;-)
So much has happened this 36th year. I have left a beloved town, church, house, and friends and reconnected with old friends and our church, made new friends, and made a lot of changes in how I live my life. Phew! I feel like a new person. A stronger, leaner, smarter, money-making, Southern-living again, more patient person.

This next year I will start working full-time, continue my new healthy lifestyle, build or buy a new home and watch/cry/smile as my baby starts K4 and goes to school every day. I hope I emerge with a closer, more intimate relationship with Jesus (and an even skinnier body). For He does indeed know the plans He has for us and I am getting excited as they are being unveiled - good or bad.

May Jeremy and I continue to place our family in God's hands and become more and more 1 instead of 2.

Happy Birthday to me!